Friday, January 15, 2010

Steps back, steps forward

I have this problem with WI days. I seem to feel like since I've had a good week, and I have a whole new week ahead of me until my next WI, I can just go ahead and eat whatever the hell I want for a day and undo the damage before my next WI. Okay, that may be true, I can undo a night's binge in a week, but all that does is get me to maintain. This week was no exception. I treated myself like a garbage can. Dumped a whole bunch of junk in there.

Something different happened this week, though. I made myself write every single thing down. Weights and measures, calories and points, it's all accounted for in my food journal. And yes, I went way beyond my points for the day, and way beyond my flex points for the week, but I wrote it all down. I think that's a step in the right direction. No more hiding, no pretending it didn't happen by denying it. I'm faced with the ugly truth of it til a new week starts.

Aside from that transgression, the week has been going well. I got my butt back into it the next day. This will be my first weekend back on plan with the boy in town, so I have to be extra careful - too easy to treat his visits like a special occasion and indulge mindlessly. I've planned out our dinners for the weekend and will have plenty of good stuff on hand for lunch, so I should be okay. I guess we'll see how it all turns out on Tuesday.


  1. So much of this is a mental game we play with ourselves. ANd the influence of another person can be such a challenge too. Hang it there!

  2. This is all too familiar. Hope today goes well!
