Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I have to say I'm a little disappointed with this week's WI. I lost 1.6 lbs, which at most times would be commendable. I just feel like I put in more effort than that. I've been working out for 9 straight days. I've been OP food-wise for at least the last 7 days. And 1.6 in a week where everything as ostensibly been as on-plan as I can muster? It's just a little frustrating.

I know that 1.6 is still a great start. That this is a marathon, not a sprint. That it's better to lose anything than to gain, which is, in reality, what I would otherwise be doing right now. I know I am building muscle mass through exercise and that I could be getting leaner, just not lighter, at the moment. I am revving up my metabolism to carry me through my future weeks.

I know all of this. I know I am doing wonderful things for myself by continuing. I just still feel a little cheated. I need to tone down the importance I'm putting on the scale number and be happy about the other things I've noticed - my ability to do push-ups. The little shadows along the sides of my midsection which tell me there are muscles under there somewhere. The fact that my cravings for junk are far less overwhelming now than they were a week ago.

I may be a little disappointed, but in no way am I giving up. I'll take that 1.6 lbs and keep moving forward. I have no choice, really.


  1. I know it is such a mental game at this point, but the issue is probably water retention from the sudden extreme exercise. Very quickly your body will adapt to this amount of exercise and you'll stop holding quite so much water. You are doing AWESOME, J, just awesome!

  2. :) Thanks for the encouragement. I came to terms with the fact that it actually is a good loss, and I'm proud of myself for sticking to it so far. Things are going...
